'˜Sockgate' returns to Mansfield Town

'˜Sockgate' is back at Mansfield Town Football Club as manager Steve Evans searches for the latest culprits.

With all going so well at the moment, dressing room joviality and banter is high and Evans found his socks cut up recently.

Still not having found who was responsible, he admitted he has now had another pair stolen.

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“I have just been down to the dressing room and everyone is fresh and having a banter about me and Rayns (assistant Paul Raynor) and others,” he smiled.

“There is a line drawn with the banter and that was cutting my socks up.

“I said if anyone cuts my socks up again they will pay a price. But I didn’t say ‘if my socks go missing’. Now they’ve gone missing.

“I am looking at (Alex) MacDonald as he has that cheeky chappy eye. And I think (Kane) Hemmings and (Jacob) Mellis will be involved.

“I need to catch them and after that John Radford will be a few quid better off as we’ll take some of their wages.”