Your stars for the coming week

John Thompson-CampbellJohn Thompson-Campbell
John Thompson-Campbell
Our resident astrologer John Thompson-Campbell reveals what the stars hold for you in the coming week....

Aries: You are going to begin to look at your relationship in a brand new light, asking yourself if what you have, is really what you truly want, and is it fulfilling your desires? Meanwhile someone is just about to enter your social circle, whom, in your eyes looks very appealing.

Taurus: Events from here on in, are conspiring to push you to begin making up your mind about one certain close relationship; which in your eyes could have had its day. Your attention is going to start to be diverted to towards someone new; perhaps within your working environment.

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Gemini : You are just in the mood to go a bit further afield and are looking for a good time, and a laugh, and will be stepping out with the gang, enjoying a bit of life. For your own reasons though, you are going to be holding back a little bit, employing a slightly cautious approach.

Cancer: From this week onwards you have an urge to look at ways that you can make your life just that little bit bigger, more interesting and enjoyable in your eyes. A word of warning here is to watch your diet, as it is going to be very easy to over indulge, and regret it afterwards.

Leo: You are going to be in a romantic frame of mind, and even though there are some parts of your life that are going to be giving you cause for concern; there is someone going to take your eye, taking your mind to better places. This could be a friend, whom you would like to be more than just a friend.

Virgo: You are another sign Virgo who is in an escapist frame of mind, and are in the mood to get away, and wind down; allowing all your troubles to fade away. Someone around you is going to annoy you with their negative attitude; it will soon fade though, as you are feeling very good about yourself.

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Libra: There are actions that you are keen on taking, however, instead of rushing in, common sense is going to prevail, and you are going to hold yourself back, especially where the purse strings are concerned. Your social life is about to pick up, as is your approach towards physical fitness!

Scorpio: Try not to be too hard on yourself this week, as I feel that events around you, could have a discouraging, and tiring effect upon yourself; even to the point of making your lack a little self confidence in your abilities.

Sagittarius: You are going to go right out of your way to help someone out, whom you feel needs a little bit of support and a good friend. Beware though about just whom you open yourself up to, as there is someone close, who simply does not have your best interests at heart; and will take advantage!

Capricorn: You are going to begin wondering whether or not you really believe that all the time and energy you are injecting into your current career direction is really worth all the effort; or do you feel, you could do better?

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Aquarius: You are going to find very good reason to consider buying some brand new togs, look at shaping up, putting on a gleaming smile, adding a bit of style into the mix, and raising your game. Someone is going to come on your radar, and you are going to be set on making sure that they know your name!

Pisces: Happy Birthday Pisces. There are signs that you are about to get over cautious, lacking trust in others. I see this as a real shame, as there is the potential in your life now to experience a lot of happiness; which at the moment will be found around your children.

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