Video: Violent crime is on the rise

MODEL  RELEASED.    Domestic violence.  Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.MODEL  RELEASED.    Domestic violence.  Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.
MODEL RELEASED. Domestic violence. Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.
Violent crime, robberies and burglaries are all on the increase in Nottinghamshire, according to newly released figures.

The Crime Survey For England and Wales (CSEW) found that while household crime had seen a 10 per cent year-on-year reduction nationally, burglaries had increased by 281 in Nottinghamshire.

And, while violence with injury had decreased by six per cent nationally, the crime has risen by 1,321 crimes in Robin Hood country.

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Other crimes which have risen in Nottinghamshire include shoplifting by 752 offences, robberies by 162 offences and sex offences by 258 - though these have also risen nationally.

MODEL  RELEASED.    Domestic violence.  Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.MODEL  RELEASED.    Domestic violence.  Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.
MODEL RELEASED. Domestic violence. Silhouette of a woman protecting herself from a blow from her partner by holding her arms in front of her face.

In the light of the CSEW figures for 2012-13 Chad asked members of the public whether or not they felt safe these days.

Ron Jaques, a market trader in Mansfield, said he was worried about the effect of theft on local businesses.

He added: “Who pays at the end of the day? It is the customer.”

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John Docherty, another market trader, said police could be doing more to combat crime.

“There are not enough police walking around, you never see any,” he said.

While on Facebook Nat Robin said: “I feel less safe. With money at an all-time low, cost of living far too high and cuts to front line services, crime is up yet again.

“Now you cannot go into town without wondering if you are coming home without your phone or if there is going to be a robbery in a store.”

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A Nottinghamshire Police spokesman said the force had seen a challenging start to the year and violence reached a peak in June 2013 at an increase of 9 per cent.

But this increase had now fallen to a three per cent increase compared with last year’s figures.

“It is very important that violent crime is reported to the police so that we can deal with it effectively,” she added.

“We will always encourage reporting of domestic violence as we know how difficult it is for people to come forward, and we have campaigned openly to encourage confidence in those who need our help and support.”

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The spokesman also announced Nottinghamshire Police would be launching its conurbation burglary team next month.

She added: “It brings together city and county detectives and police staff, and subsequently partner agencies such as probation and the local authority in a bid to streamline and consolidate the investigative and offender management process.

“The best way to tackle burglary is to understand what drives offenders to strike in the places they do and when.

“We are also very interested in their methods and are alive to the fact that offenders often work in teams and can commit a number of crimes.”

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Deputy Chief Constable Sue Fish said: “Last summer we knew that crime had increased and we had to act quickly to ensure that we gripped these emerging issues and targeted our resources. We have to change the way we work to ensure the right people are doing the right job at the right time.

“We have introduced a dedicated mobile phone unit to help fast-track and identify stolen phones, who are also working to reduce the market for stolen goods and encourage people to register their property through the Immobilise database.

“With additional food banks being required across the country, it is evident that the economic climate has impacted on some people being able to afford basic provisions, which goes some way to explain the increase in shoplifting offences.

“However, we are taking the national lead in this area and are working with some of the major retailers both locally and nationally to reduce crime and to ensure persistent offenders are targeted or are dealt with by the courts.

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“These tactics along with many others, and close partnership working with other agencies are beginning to reap the rewards with crime reducing between October and December.”

To view a video of Mansfield folk’s views on crime visit