Lord Byron connection with Hucknall and Newstead leads to new friendship with Greece

Newstead Abbey, the ancestral home of the poet Lord ByronNewstead Abbey, the ancestral home of the poet Lord Byron
Newstead Abbey, the ancestral home of the poet Lord Byron
Links between the poet Lord Byron, who is buried in Hucknall, and an areas of Greece have led to an international friendship being formed.

For Nottingham City Council has announced it will formally enter into a friendship agreement with a municipality in Attiki, Greece, called Vyronas – which means ‘Byron’ in Greek.

The council owns and operates Newstead Abbey, Byron’s ancestral home, as a popular heritage venue and it’s hoped that the friendship agreement can help further promote it in an area which also has a strong appreciation for Lord Byron.

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On Friday, October 8, there will be two ceremonies - one held at Nottingham City Council’s Council House and one in Vyronas.

On the evening of the same day, the colour of the lights on the Council House will be blue and white, to reflect the colours on the Greek flag to celebrate this occasion.

The friendship agreement will focus on Lord Byron as an important personality for both Nottingham citizens as well as the Greek people.

Key aims will be to encourage information sharing between the two areas on key cultural events related to Lord Byron and a collaboration in the production of digital assets relating to the history of Newstead Abbey.

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Further plans may include celebrations for the bicentenary of the death of Lord Byron in 2024, subject to a successful grant or fundraising programme.

Vyronas started as a refugee settlement bordering Athens at the outskirts of Hymettus mountain. The neighbourhood was established bearing the name of Byron in April 1924, which marked the centenary of the death of the romantic poet in Messologhi, Greece.

City councillor Pavlos Kotsonis, who has led on the arrangements with Vyronas, said: “I am really excited that we will be formalising our friendship and cultural ties with Vyronas municipality in celebration of one of Nottingham’s most important rebellious figures, Lord Byron.

"Not only was he a world renowned literary figure, he was also a fighter for the liberation struggles of the Italians and the Greeks in the 19th century.”