Nottinghamshire: Final opportunity to vote for young stars

4Uth award nominee Ross Kemp.4Uth award nominee Ross Kemp.
4Uth award nominee Ross Kemp.
This Friday (13th June) is the cut-off point to nominate a special young person to be recognised as part of the annual 4Uth awards.

Every year, Nottinghamshire County Council teams up with the Nottingham Post to host the awards.

Whether you are a parent, friend, teacher, youth worker or just know someone in the community who deserves recognition, this is your opportunity to highlight their achievements.

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The awards are a celebration of excellence and achievement, including those who have triumphed over adversity, those who care for people around them and those who are working hard within their community.

Nominees are identified by peers, youth leaders, teachers and family members as a special source of inspiration.

A number of case studies from early nominees over recent weeks have been featured in the local media in recent weeks, including Mansfield’s Ross Kemp.

The full timeline for the competition is:

• Friday 13 June - Closing date for nominations

• Monday 16 June to Friday 18 July – Young People’s Panels select candidates for the next stage

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• Monday 28 July to Wednesday 20 August – District adult panels chose district winners from the candidates selected by the Young People’s Panels

• Early September – District winners announced

• End of September – County judging panel selects overall winner from district winners

• Friday, November 14 – Awards evening, venue to be confirmed.

For more details on the awards visit: