New Lapwings WI is taking flight

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Community news
The newest Women’s Institute in the area is certainly taking off. LAPWINGS WI (Linby And Papplewick Women’s Institute, NottinGhamShire) will usually meet twice a month at Papplewick Village Hall, on the second Tuesday of each month between 10am and 12noon and the fourth Thursday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.

The May meetings have involved a discussion on this year’s Women’s Institute Resolution to support body parts donations, a quiz, a social evening at the home of President Debbi Perkins and lots of discussion about exciting future events.

Over 20 members attended each of the meetings and new members will be most welcome,

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On Tuesday 10th June the morning meeting will have a talk on gardening and a plant sale and members are invited to bring along any spare plants for this. On Thursday 26th June, the official formation of Lapwings WI will take place and will be celebrated with a party night.

So ladies, why not come and see what Lapwings WI has to offer? You are most welcome to come to either or both meetings each month.

For further details contact Janet Stevenson (secretary) on 07807326517

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