LETTER: Cabinet Reshuffle - insulting swipe

It has been suggested that in her Cabinet reshuffle Prime Minister Theresa May has weeded out the pale, male and stale political talent from the Conservative front line so there will not be so many white men over 50.

If that reference had been to pale, female and stale, it would have been pounced upon by the politically correct forces as racist, sexist and ageist.

However the fact that it was an insulting swipe at white men who are getting on a bit seems to have made it all right.

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For any political talent to be picked before those with ability experience and suitability could lead to disaster.

So-called positive discrimination means even the most exceptional talent can be ignored on the grounds of ethnicity, how old you are and gender.

Having said that, the Daily Mail’s front page, huge headline was, in capitals, Massacre of the Middle Aged Men. When I first took it from my door, without my glasses on, I thought Islamic terrorists had struck again.

After putting my glasses on I saw it was meaning Mrs May’s Cabinet reshuffle.

No need for such ridiculous headlines in this day and age.

Granville V Stone

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