Kirkby addict stole to fund his habit

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A Kirkby heroin addict who admitted stealing £700 of tools and fuel to fund his habit was told he would soon be dead if he did not take steps to sort out his drug problems.

Kris Wright, 34 pleaded guilty to breaking into a portable building at Living Van, Pond Street, Kirkby on April 22 and stealing power tools valued at £500.

He also admitted stealing £200 of diesel from a van in the compound which is used for storing fairground equipment.

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Mansfield Magistrates heard the proprietor of the site Mr David Cox, had discovered the thefts and found fingerprints which were matched with Wright, 34 of Urban Road.

Wright admitted the thefts when he was visited by detectives on May 10.

Chris Lacey defending, said Wright had been a heroin user for several years and had carried out the thefts to fund his habit.

He was given consecutive sentences totalling four months for the thefts and seven days for failing to surrender to police bail at the appointed time.

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The sentence was suspended and Wright was given a nine month community order with a six month drug rehabilitation requirement.

He was ordered to pay Mr Cox £350 compensation.

The court heard he had failed to comply with previous orders.

The chairman of the Magistrates said: “You are a 34 year-old man - we have been told you want to make some sort of change. You are going to be dead by the time you are 40 or 50 if yo do not. You have failed so many times, you are going to have to put a lot of hard work into this.”

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