If you're going shopping at Bulwell's Morrisons tomorrow, think science!

Two youngsters trying out confuserphones at one of Morrisons' previous science events.Two youngsters trying out confuserphones at one of Morrisons' previous science events.
Two youngsters trying out confuserphones at one of Morrisons' previous science events.
As well as getting stuck into their weekly shop, visitors to a Bulwell supermarket tomorrow (Saturday) will have the chance to be hands-on with science.

For Morrisons, at the Springfield Retail Park, is hosting activities for all the family, aimed at exploring the important role science has to play in all aspects of life.

The event, which will run from 11 am to 3 pm, will cover a wide range of science themes, with a special focus on health, fitness and wellbeing, particularly diet and food and lifestyle choices.

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“The aim is to show that science shouldn’t necessarily be hidden away in laboratories, but can happen anywhere -- even in supermarkets,” said a spokeswoman for Morrisons.

The activities have been organised as part of British Science Week, which is run by the British Science Association charity and comprises hundreds of events nationwide.

Morrisons has linked up with the Nottingham-based not-for-profit company, Ignite!, which works to increase creative opportunities for people in places such as schools, libraries and museums. Rick Hall, the founder of Ignite!, said: “We believe science is part of everyone’s everyday life. We are grateful to Morrisons in Bulwell for being part of British Science Week and showing that science can happen anywhere.”

Among those on hand at the supermarket will be a team of science communicators to answer burning questions that young people and families have always wondered about. They will comprise scientists from the University of Nottingham and boffins from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassador programme, which is a network of students, educators and industry professionals committed to inspiring the next generation in those four subjects.

All the activities have been inspired by the Wellcome Trust charity’s education programme, The Crunch, which seeks to help people explore the connections between food and health.