Gardeners sought to help sick Liam

Angela Flynn who is hoping to raise money for garden improvements in aid of her son.Angela Flynn who is hoping to raise money for garden improvements in aid of her son.
Angela Flynn who is hoping to raise money for garden improvements in aid of her son.
The mother of an autistic teenager with advanced kidney cancer is appealing for help renovating her garden for the traumatised youngster.

Sixteen-year-old Liam Aldread is soothed by sitting outdoors but his single Ladybrook mum Angela Flynn (47) is struggling to find the time and money to give him the kind of garden she would like.

Liam suffers from Wilms’ tumour - a type of kidney cancer most commonly found in children under five - which has spread after radiotherapy and will mean further discomfort for him as he undergoes a course of chemotherapy.

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Angela said: “It would be nice to have a place for him outside.

“Liam has a dog and the pair of them sit near the back door .

“I am appealing for anyone with the skills and knowledge to come and help do up the garden.”

Liam is the youngest of five brothers and sisters and during the course of the last year has been through months of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and even had his left kidney and a tumour removed.

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Unfortunately the latest round of radiotherapy was unsuccessful, causing his cancer to spread, and leaving mum Angela with an agonising wait for the results of Liam’s latest chemotherapy treatment.

Angela, a full-time mother, who is unable to work due to her commitments to her family, said: “Liam’s autism makes it difficult for him to cope with the emotional side of things.

“There is a lot of waiting around in hospitals for hours which he does not like - he just wants to be at home.

“It is also hard because Liam is still very active and does not realise that his body cannot cope with all the exercise he does.”

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As cancer charities lie very close to the family’s heart, Angela’s twenty-seven-year-old son Craig is taking part in a sponsored cycle ride from Mansfield to Skegness in November.

The 77-mile ride in aid of Macmillan and Clic Sargent will take place in November and you can donate to the cause by visiting

Angela is also appealing to members of the public to give generously and dig deep for collections being taken in aid of the charities at Mansfield bar and restaurant andwhynot and the Junction bar and restaurant, Kirkby.

If you are a gardener, either skilled or unskilled, and would like to donate some time to help Angela and Liam please phone her on 07460 820763.

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