Free Costa coffee for Dispatch readers bring the crowds to Hucknall’s new store

New Costa Coffee opening on Hucknall High Street.New Costa Coffee opening on Hucknall High Street.
New Costa Coffee opening on Hucknall High Street.
Costa’s arrival in Hucknall has brought a flurry of excitement to the town both for its staff and its customers.

With the new store opening its doors for the first time last Friday, the owner has reported a great response to the High Street based business.

“It has been crazy busy and there wasn’t enough seats for all our customers over the opening weekend,” said Sham Ramparia who runs five other Costa stores under a franchise agreement. “The response has been comparable with my other strore openings and everyone has been very friendly and eager to visit us and meet our staff.”

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The six employees were selected from over 1,300 applicants which has caused quite a stir with ITV news visiting the shop on Tuesday to cover the ‘Costa effect’.

“They came to interview myself and some of the team I believe to relate it to the latest unemployment figures set to be released,” explained Sham. “I put the high level of applications down to a number of factors, including the popularity of the brand and the fact we pay higher than the minimum wage.

“But I also believe the high unemployment in this area in particular is also an important factor.”

One of the team of six is former Holgate student and Hucknall mum of one, Hayley Sail. Hayley had been unemployed for four months before securing one of the coveted roles.

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“I was so excited when I was offered a job here,” said the 25-year-old of Burberry Avenue. “And when I found out that there were so many applicants I was overwhelmed and felt very proud.

“Getting the job has helped me not only financially but emotionally as it has given me back my confidence,” added Hayley who was working her first shift on Tuesday. “I felt so isolated before and I’m loving being back in employment and working as part of a team.”

The arrival of Costa has been welcomed by its followers and those new to the brand too.

“I think the brand will help increase the footfall to the town and is the start of good things for Hucknall,” said Angela Gregory of Garden Road. “I wouldn’t want to see it affect other businesses but hope it will complement those already in the town.”

Husband Tim agreed: “I hope other big brands will now follow.”

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