Facebook status sparks man to hit ex-partner in Sutton

Reports from the courtsReports from the courts
Reports from the courts
A 45-year-old man has pleaded guilty to assaulting his ex-partner in Sutton after posting a status on Facebook.

Kevin Anthony Towle appeared at Mansfield Magistrates’ court charged with assault by beating and driving while under the influence of alcohol.

During prosecution, David Miles, described how the couple parted ways and Towle had moved out of their home.

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He said; “At around 2pm on the 4th March, Towle wrote on Facebook he had been sleeping in his car.”

His ex wrote a response and then he got into a conversation with her.

Mr Miles said; “The defendant was nasty and sent offensive messages.”

He went to the house to collect some belongings and assaulted the woman.

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He said: “He hit her around the left hand side of the head. She described it as hard and painful. It caused her to stumble.”

As he did it, he swore at her.

Towle, of Rolleston Drive, Arnold, then drove off in his car. Police later spoke to him and found he had driven under the influence of alcohol - with 81mcgs per 100ml of breath - the legal limit is 35mgs.

Towle is already serving two suspended sentences for a total of 24 weeks.

In mitigation John Hullis said: “He often goes a month without drinking. It is very sporadic when he does drink but when he does it lasts a couple of days.

“And negative things come out of it.”

The case was adjourned until the 8th April for a pre-sentence report.

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