Drug farmer spared jail for grow in Bulwell

Nottingham Magistrates' Court.Nottingham Magistrates' Court.
Nottingham Magistrates' Court.
A Bulwell man who was caught growing cannabis in his home has been spared jail by magistrates.

Gavin Paul Oliver, 38, of Hucknall Lane, admitted growing a quantity of the Class B drug when he appeared before magistrates in Nottingham on September 20.

The court heard the cannabis was discovered at his home address on December 17, 2015, and was grown primarily for his own use.

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He was committed to prison for 16 weeks, suspended for 12 months.

He was also ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work within the next year and must pay a victim surcharge of £115 and costs of £85.

He will pay this back at £10 a week. The cannabis and growing equipment were destroyed.

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