Shame of Bulwell man caught with child porn and hundreds of indecent images of people in sex acts with animals

Taylor was sentenced at Nottingham Crown CourtTaylor was sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court
Taylor was sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court
A former serviceman from the Dispatch district who downloaded images of child abuse and bestiality wept before a judge in court as he tried to explain himself.

Anthony Taylor said: 'I am aware of the images. They are upstairs on my phone,' when police officers raided his home on Bowden Avenue, in Bestwood Village at 4.30am, on May 3, last year.

Prosecutor Tom Heath said two category A indecent images of children, two category B images and 13 Category C images were found on his devices, where category A is the most extreme.

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Police also found 793 still and moving prohibited images of bestiality. As previously reported by the Dispatch, the charge stated these were ‘extreme pornographic images which portrayed, in an explicit and realistic way, a person performing an act of intercourse with an animal, namely, horses and dogs which was grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character’.

Taylor, 49, who now lives on Squires Avenue, Bulwell, admitted the offences when he appeared at Nottingham Magistrates Court on March 30.

Representing himself at Nottingham Crown Court this week, Taylor said: "I am extremely ashamed. I first started using normal pornography when I joined the armed forces."

But he started to realise he had a problem and added: "At that stage I wish I had had the courage to seek help. I am thoroughly ashamed of the way I have acted."

Taylor told the court he had separated from his wife.

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On Wednesday, the Recorder of Nottingham, Judge Gregory Dickinson QC, told him: "People do things on the internet that they would actually never do in real life, face to face.

"To me that still doesn't begin to explain why anyone would tolerate, why anyone would want to look at, images of infants being raped or sexually abused by adults. It offends every instinct of human nature.”

But he decided against custody because the number of images was ‘particularly low’ and because of the ‘two decades and more’ that Taylor has served his country.

The judge also noted the ‘huge and continuing impact on your family,’ adding: “I have seen that etched in your face this morning.”

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“It's perfectly clear that you are remorseful,” he said. “It still begs the question of how you could have done this in the first place.

“You have gone to great lengths to understand why you have done this and prevent it from happening again.”

Judge Dickinson imposed a five-year sexual harm prevention order and an 18-month community order with 30 rehabilitation sessions.