Police lend helping hand as part of fun-filled community event in Bestwood

Officers from the Bestwood neighbourhood policing team headed down to the day of action taking the opportunity to speak with residents, interact with youngsters having fun at the event and security mark mobility scooters for free.Officers from the Bestwood neighbourhood policing team headed down to the day of action taking the opportunity to speak with residents, interact with youngsters having fun at the event and security mark mobility scooters for free.
Officers from the Bestwood neighbourhood policing team headed down to the day of action taking the opportunity to speak with residents, interact with youngsters having fun at the event and security mark mobility scooters for free.
A fun-filled activity day aimed at bringing the community together saw officers engaging with residents and offering free safety advice.

Officers from the Bestwood neighbourhood policing team headed down to the day of action taking the opportunity to speak with residents, interact with youngsters having fun at the event and security mark mobility scooters for free.

The event planned by Nottinghamshire City Council held at Bestwood Park, Church, Beckhampton Road on Wednesday (6 July) saw free access to a local gym, advice on fly-tipping and parking as well as advice from police on vehicle checks and any community issues or concerns they were having.

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Officers marked four mobility scooters and were given addresses of people that couldn’t attend but wanted the free security marking.

Sergeant Katie Taylor, who polices the neighbourhood, said: “Tackling antisocial behaviour, engaging with the community and people who live in Bestwood and making sure they feel heard and safe in the area is one of mine and the police service's top priorities and days like this working alongside our partners is a great way to get this message across.

“Our officers were able to not only mark a selection of mobility scooters so if the worst does happen and they are stolen it makes it easier for us to identify them but also we were able to just listen to any concerns residents have, interact with young people at the event and be there to give out any advice.

“We were also able to get addresses of those who use mobility scooters and couldn’t attend the event so officers can arrange a time to go to their homes and security mark them for free.

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“Being a police officer isn’t just about making arrests and apprehending wanted people, it’s also about engaging with the community, working with young people and being there to give advice and listen to any concerns residents might have.

“The event was a great success and hopefully the first of many to be arranged in Bestwood so I would urge anyone who wants to have a chat, get their youngsters involved in games, would like their mobility scooter security marked for free or simply just want’s a chat to keep an eye on out for the next event and come down to meet officers.”