Chief Constable to answer questions about joining police force in live webchat

The live webchat will take place this afternoonThe live webchat will take place this afternoon
The live webchat will take place this afternoon
Nottinghamshire Police's Chief Constable will be answering questions about becoming a police officer on a live webchat this afternoon.

Craig Guildford will be answering potential applicants' questions in the live chat on the force's website between 4.30pm and 5.30pm.

Nottinghamshire Police are currently recruiting for police officers, with anyone interested encouraged to submit their application before the deadline at midnight on Friday June 22.

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The Chief Constable will be on-hand to answer any questions on applications, training, eligibility and anything you’ve ever wanted to know about the role.

You can e-mail any questions and your name beforehand to: [email protected]

To find out more about becoming a police officer with Nottinghamshire Police, visit:

View the live webchat on the force's website here.