Boozy Worksop driver planned to take taxi

Victoria Square, WorksopVictoria Square, Worksop
Victoria Square, Worksop
A drink driver who was seen driving a short distance and parking in Worksop town centre is set to lose his job, a court heard.

Police watched Jake Maiden park his car near a takeaway, on Victoria Square, at 1.15am, on May 25.

"He said he was just parking up and planned to get a taxi home," said prosecutor Robert Carr.

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A test revealed he had 73 mcgs of alcohol in 100 mls of breath, when the legal limit is 35 mcgs.

Donna Pursglove, mitigating, said: "He was given some information that made him concerned about the vehicle.

"There's no suggestion of bad driving."

She said the dad-of-two was likely to lose his current position as a self-employed construction worker.

Maiden, 23, of Lincoln Road, Tuxford, admitted drink driving when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Thursday.

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He was banned for 17 months, but was offered a drink-driver's rehabilitation course which will reduce the disqualification by 129 days if completed by May 25 2020.

He was fined £346, with a £34 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Here are the latest cases heard at Mansfield Magistrates Court.