7Cs Christian Fellowship

David and Glenys Holloway, Mark Roxburgh, David Thorpe and Tom Ward led worship on Sunday week. The Faith Builder session was by Tracy Buxton. Pastor Maurice England and wife Betty served communion. David Holloway gave the address. Midweek Fellowship took the form of a social evening.


On Thursday week, 35 members and friends had warm sunshine for a visit to the Buxton Pavilion organised by Joan Peel. The non-dancers in the party relaxed with lunch and a walk in the park. The next trip will be to Skegness on Thursday 17th July. Thursday and Friday week’s line and sequence dances were by Walter Jones and Joan Peel.

Forest Street Baptist

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The Art and Keep Fit groups met on Tuesday week. On Wednesday week the Slice of Prayer meeting was followed by the Ladies Interdenominational Rally held at St John’s Church, Sutton. Audrey Peake chaired the quarterly church meeting on Thursday week. The church hosted a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday week. This was followed by a coffee morning with stalls for Christian Aid week. The Rev Ros Wilkes led the morning service on Sunday week. Mervyn Cole-Bowen read the lesson. Rachel Gregory gave a talk on Christians against Poverty. Pat Pride and Jane Brierley served morning coffee. David Ardron of Mansfield led the evening service. The reader was Maureen Osborne. Music for day was by Margaret and Doreen Homer. Last Monday the Crafty Dabblers craft group met and would welcome new members. Terri Cole-Bowen opened the Ladies Fellowship with devotions. Kathryn Henstock and ladies then provided a celebration buffet to mark Audrey Peake’s birthday. The pianist was Doris Hickton.

St Wilfrid’s Church

The Rev Wendy Patchell led Holy Communion on Sunday week. Ann Hilton gave the address. Donna Wright and Janet Baldwin were readers. Ann Hilton led prayers. The chalice was administered by Kate Hurt and Sandra Smith. The sidesmen were David and Marilyn Ball. Lynn Colton and Oliver Dodd served morning coffee.

Church of Christ

Geoff Ellis led the morning meeting on Sunday week. Rex Foster read from the Old Testament and also served communion. The New Testament reader was David Wilson. The evening service was a video presentation given by Alan Ashurst from a sister church in Wigan.

Our Lady RC Church

Sunday week’s mass was taken by Fr F. Higgins. The reader was Andrew O’Mara-Winson. Communion was served by Molly Beardsley, Gloria Palmer, Delia McGibbon, David Shipley and Jim Turton. Colin Fejfer and Rex Clarke took the collection. Maranatha played the music. Members of the offertory procession were Ria Johnson, Megan McPherson, Isabella Taylor, Caelin Riyadi, Molly and Daniel Tucker, Caitlin Tully, Jack Jarvis and Leia Pye. Cath Moulton and Margaret Henson served coffee in aid of parish funds.

Hill Methodist Church

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Representatives from the Hill and Trinity Methodist Churches led a Fellowship at Five Gables Residential Home on Monday week. The meeting was led by Betty and John Grice. Joy Franks played the keyboard. On Wednesday week the Mother and Toddler group had an outing to the Sundown Adventure Park. Church members then attended the Annual Interdenominational Rally of Sutton and Kirkby Ladies Fellowships, hosted by St John’s Methodist Church, Sutton. The speaker was Joy Franks. Joyce Bradshaw was soloist. The DIY group worked on the church in the evening. The Dance class rehearsed on Thursday week. Paul and Karen Grice hosted the Friday Fellowship. The Prayer group met on Saturday week. Joy Jennison led the morning service on Sunday week. The Worship group assisted. The reader was Paul Grice. In the evening the Rev Barry Shipley led Holy Communion. The readers were Don Franks and Nancy Shipley. Joy Franks played the piano.

Women’s Institute

President Hazel Forrest welcomed members to Wednesday week’s pie and pea supper at which the WI resolutions regarding organ donation were discussed. Plans were then laid for speakers and events in the coming year. Final arrangements were made for the centenary baton handover at Kirkby Cross on 15th June. Enid Oliver and Jay Fairburn were tea hostesses. Carol Staples and Betty England received birthday greetings. Raffle winners were Brenda Morrell, Carol Phelan and Janet Law. The next meeting on 4th June will be an informal celebration of the Kirkby WI’s 25th birthday.

1st Guides

Led by Claire Sharman assisted by Elaine Britnell, Ann Sharman and Libby Butterworth-Smith prepared for their spring bank holiday camp, checking equipment and planning activities. Three local guides have been chosen for international visits to Iceland and California.

Trinity Methodist

The church supported a Fellowship at Five Gables Residential Home on Monday week. Kirkby Churches Together held early prayers on Tuesday week. SureStart Messy Play met. Margaret Thorpe led the Tuesday Fellowship. The Crochet group met at lunchtime. There was a beginners computer course in the afternoon. Framework held an advice session on Wednesday week. The W.I. held its Resolution meeting in the evening. On Thursday week the Mother and Toddler and Knitting groups both met followed by the Luncheon Club and Open Hands who were entertained by Pat and Jean. The My Sight group then met. Trinity Singers rehearsed on Friday week. As part of the ongoing church anniversary celebration a Beetle Drive with pie and pea supper was held on Saturday week. Rev Dermot Thornberry led the Sunday service. Nancy Shipley lit the candle. Jo Makins was church steward and also led Family Time. The door steward was Jean Whitehead. The reader was Mike Berry. Dermot and Charlene Thornberry delivered a drama. Margaret Hensby read prayers. Trinity Singers performed ‘Jesus is Waiting’. Hazel Forrest and Beryl Richardson took the collection. The organist was Fay Shackleton. The media desk was manned by Mike Oliver and John Hickling. Margaret Campbell and Hazel Forrest served coffee in aid of the Forget me Not Dementia group. Church flowers were by Hazel Forrest.

Inner Wheel

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President Jean Toseland welcomed speaker and potential new member Lisa Haydon, director of Services for the Nottingham Independent Domestic Abuse Service NIDAS, who gave an insight into the work of the service. President Jean gave the vote of thanks and presented a cheque for £1,000 to further the aims of the organisation. Arrangements for the visits to the Rainbows Hospice and Ashfield Community Hospital were finalised. New social events were also discussed. The next meeting will be on 9th June.

Spiritualist Church

Saturday week’s jumble sale raised £70 for church funds. Lynda Sills chaired Sunday week’s divine service. Tracy Chapman and Sue Smith gave Monday week’s demonstration of clairvoyance. Diane Martin led the meeting, Gary Price and Janet Julian delivered healing. Committee members led Tuesday week’s awareness class.

St Thomas Church

The Rev Neil Popham led Holy Communion on Wednesday week. A shared lunch was then taken before the carers and toddlers meeting in the afternoon. Reader Chris Manning gave the address at Sunday week’s family communion led by the vicar. Julie Carr was reader. Katherine Blasdale led prayertime. Sarah Clarke, Pauline Howlett and Sophia Popham led children’s church. Helen and Alyssa Warman with Renna-Marie Shooter presented the elements. John Cook administered the chalice. Alan and Barbara dykes served morning coffee. The congregation visited Newstead Village Church to mark Rev Liz Turner-Loisel’s last day of ministry in Annesley and Newstead.