Bassetlaw boozer fled from cops after cider binge 'to sort his head out'

Mansfield Magistrates CourtMansfield Magistrates Court
Mansfield Magistrates Court
A Bassetlaw man who downed seven cans of cider and went for a drive 'to sort his head out' fled from police when they spotted him driving erratically, a court heard.

Jack Marsden’s Skoda Fabia was spotted driving slowly along the A620 at Ranby, at 9.50pm on August 17, before it turned erratically and, exceeding the 60mph speed limit, mounted the grass verge twice.

Officers followed him on to the A638 at Barnby Moor, where they turned their flashing lights on, and Marsden turned left on the A634 and then drove at speed along Tinker’s Lane.

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Police stopped their pursuit, but Marsden stopped his car and got out of it.

A test revealed he had 45 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

He told police he had drunk seven cans of cider over an eight hour period before driving from Langold to Retford and back again.

“He said he was currently in a bad place and didn’t know whey he did it,” said prosecutor Sarah Sanderson.

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“He assumed that the officer wanted him to stop but thought he could get away with it.”

Marsden, 23, of Doncaster Road, Langold, admitted drink driving, failing to stop, and driving without insurance or a licence, when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Monday.

He was last before the court in August 2012 for failing to comply with a community order.

Marsden told the court: “There is no excuse for it. I was daft. I will have to take the consequences on the chin.

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“I came out of a relationship and drove to sort my head out.”

He was fined £230, and must pay £85 costs and a victim surcharge of £30.

He was banned for 14 months, but he was offered a drink driving rehabilitation course, which will reduce the disqualification by 106 days, if completed before May 2018.

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