Ashfield councillor Tom Hollis left sprawled on the ground following alleged assault


Coun Tom Hollis the country's youngest councillor pictured at Ashfield District Councils offices on MondayNMAC11-1343-1

Coun Tom Hollis the country's youngest councillor pictured at Ashfield District Councils offices on Monday
NMAC11-1343-1 Coun Tom Hollis the country's youngest councillor pictured at Ashfield District Councils offices on Monday
Police are appealing for information following an alleged assault on Ashfield Independent Councillor Tom Hollis, which witnesses say left him sprawled on the floor and bleeding from his nose.

Officers were called to Strawberry Bank in Huthwaite following the incident between Coun Hollis - who sits on both Nottinghamshire County Council and Ashfield District Council - and a 37-year-old woman.

Nobody has yet been charged following the incident - which also damaged a resident’s car - but Nottinghamshire Police say the woman has attended a voluntary interview, although she has not been arrested.

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Coun Hollis had been leafletting on Strawberry Bank at around 1.25pm on Monday when the alleged assault took place.

One witness described finding Coun Hollis sprawled on the ground on the pavement outside his home with facial injuries, but said it was unclear how the altercation had started.

A police spokesman said that enquiries are continuing.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, quoting incident number 416 of December 7.