Artwork brings children together

Year 8 and 10 students from Sutton Community Academy visit foundation 1 children at Brierly Forest Primary School to help them with an easter art project. front row children l-r are Ava, Lucy, Alex, Lacey and Kendra.Year 8 and 10 students from Sutton Community Academy visit foundation 1 children at Brierly Forest Primary School to help them with an easter art project. front row children l-r are Ava, Lucy, Alex, Lacey and Kendra.
Year 8 and 10 students from Sutton Community Academy visit foundation 1 children at Brierly Forest Primary School to help them with an easter art project. front row children l-r are Ava, Lucy, Alex, Lacey and Kendra.
Students from Sutton Community Academy put their creative and leadership skills to the test when they worked with young children on an Easter-themed craft project.

The students visited Brierley Forest Primary and Nursery School recently to help the young children create artwork for wall displays in their school.

The visit was part of a new partnership between the Sutton schools that encourages youngsters of different ages to work together and learn from each other.

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Academy students from years eight to 11 were involved in the work, helping the foundation level children to make Humpty Dumpty Easter egg men and flower and animal designs, while gaining experience in a work placement environment.

Jane Campbell, acting principal at the Academy said: “The event was a huge success on every level.

“Individually everyone engaged in the event enjoyed it and had fun.

“Collectively a great time was had, with the end result being a stunning wall display for Brierley Forest School.”

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She added: “Sutton Community Academy hopes to roll out this model of delivery with all local primary schools, giving them the opportunity to do some inter-generational learning between foundation children and teenagers.”

Over ninety foundation level students, aged from just four-years-old, took part in this event, which staff said proved to be ‘highly enjoyable’ for all involved.

“All of the students at Brierley stayed completely committed and engaged in the activity despite their young age,” said Mrs Campbell.

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